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Account Registration

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By creating an account, you agree to Mountain Kids Pediatrics Conditions of Use and Privacy Notice.

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Family Member

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Your Address

Phone Numbers

Your Insurance

Add Picture of Your Insurance Card
   Upload picture from my computer
   Take picture on my mobile phone

Click here to upload insurance card later.

   Add another insurance

Your Insurance

Please help us maintain accuracy by uploading a copy of your insurance card. Select a front and back image of your card.

Click here to upload insurance card later.

   Add another insurance

Your Insurance

Are the registered patients actively covered by a health insurance policy?

Your Insurance

Do you have the insurance card available now?

Credit Card

Book Appointment

Packet Forms

Thank you for registering, please click Continue to fill out the patient forms.
Sign in Thrive Primary Care site.

Your Insurance

Book Appointment

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Packet Forms

Thank you for registering, please click Continue to fill out the patient forms.
Sign in Thrive Primary Care site.

Contact Us

Please contact us with any questions. We hope to serve your family soon.

Your Insurance

Please select your health insurance provider

Your Family Members

Please select the family member whose insurance you would like to enter first:
If you would like to add insurance for another family member, please click a name below:
Please select a family member !
   Add another insurance